Rock City Arts District, an art filled landscape, will be home to multimedia; photography shoots, music videos, tv
shows and movies and will host festivals, live music performances, outdoor food truck events, artist residencies
and more. The proposed site of the arts district is in an extremely unique position because it has garnered the
support of a large portion of the property owners; 10 in this district with 13 buildings currently onboard.
Local greats will be highlighted in murals alongside inspirational people, inspiring quotes, and structures.
Within the first year of acquiring funds we will revitalize the blight in our district by clothing the bare walls with
awe inspiring murals. Our muralist will be local, national, and international artist who’ll be granted residencies for
the duration of their work. Grants and low interest rate loans will be available for building repairs and business
implementation. Lofts some of which offer a storefront for artists to live, work, and display their creations will
populate the district.
When we feature an artist in our downtown we have the ability to cross promote them i.e. our beer vendors can
feature their art on beer cans. Shops, motels, and hotels can feature works of art in their venue lobbies and rooms.
The future Smoothie shop can design a drink after the artist. Restaurants and other food venues can offer a menu
dish in honor of various artists.
In future when people think of Rocky Mount foremost will be the thought of a bustling city that emits creative
energy where everything is art. They’ll speak of our Arts District where we have a diverse cultural community
celebrated for performing artists from actors, musicians, dancers, and comedians to tattoo artists and shops.
As we work to realize our vision of 500 apartments in 5 years, Art will be one of the magnets to help attract them.
Why Rocky Mount Why Art
“Rocky Mount rich culture, birthed one of the greatest jazz artist.
Art has generated hundreds of millions for cities and neighboring city Wilson have shown over 50 million dollars worth of private investment for their endeavors into art Art attracts people, businesses, increases development, new people and energy to our aging population Rocky Mount downtown landscape and walkablitiy is visually perfect for the arts”
What the Arts District Asks of The City
We are requesting a dedicated grant writer to secure funds and resources for building and ensuring the manifestation of our vision.
We are requesting streetscape beautification of the proposed district that should include paving parking lots, increased garbage pick-up, lighting, increased police for events, mural grants, and code enforcement.
Ongoing support during the infancy and adult phase of this initiative
Troy Davis - Bel Air Center- Art Gallery
Moe Deloach- Moe N D’s. Bar Restaurant and Grill with a heavy art focus
Celeste Beady- Harlem Beer- Tap Room
Jamel Lynch – Potential Artist Residency/ Restaurant/ Storefront
John Williams- Farmer Market/ Potential Smoothie Shop
Charles Roberson Potential Artist Residency/ storefront Artist space
Milan Meet- Potential Artist Residency Loft
Troy White- Potential Comedy Club/ upstairs loft
Garland Jones- Potential Dance Studio/ artist space
Ade Carrena Open Outdoor Food space with Artist Murals Tiffany Evans
Brittney Hughes Selfie Shop- Public Photography Studio
Current Property, Business Owners Participants and their vision:
Michael and Jessica Hicks- Bel Air Center- Art Gallery
The soul of Bel Air Art Center is to provide space for all artistic faucets to mingle and flourish under one roof. The foundation is our exceptional studio artists and the atmosphere they create with the interactions they provide`
The soul of Bel Air Art Center is to provide space for all artistic faucets to mingle and flourish under one roof. The foundation is our exceptional studio artists and the atmosphere they create with the interactions they provide`
Moe Deloach
Moe N D’s. Bar Restaurant and Grill great food, family environment that provides a stage for the arts ( live music, comedians, and dance)
Brianna Brake Spaceway
Tap Room- Black woman beer maker that cans features creative art work and beer formula is inspired by art
Potential Artist Residency/ storefront Artist space. commercial space downstairs with loft living experience on top
Brianna Brake Spaceway
Tap Room- Black woman beer maker that cans features creative art work and beer formula is inspired by art
Jamel Lynch
Potential Artist Residency/ Restaurant/ Storefront.
John Williams
Farmer Market/ Potential Smoothie Shop- Local farmer and poet that will sell you great ;produce and exlirs and depart a great word for your soul
Potential Artist Residency Loft- commercial space downstairs with loft living experience on top
Janae Wilson
Tattoo shop and massage spa
Troy White
Potential Comedy Club/ upstairs loft work in progress with great potential to add value to the Art scene
Garland Jones
Potential Dance Studio/ artist space- work in progress space – designated for dance
Eva Whitaker
Potential artist lofts with flexible commercial space on lower level. Featuring a prop rental house for videos/photo shoots, an antique shop and a mini museum.
Elijah Davis
Artist's loft and work space.
Ricardo Jortiz
Mexican restaurant
Vibrant dance studio that elevates minds and bodies.
Robert Hothan
Owns 2 building. Artist residency and artist work space